Friday, September 24, 2010

Cloth Diapers

What you use cloth diapers! Most people do not understand why any one would venture into cloth. I will admit I was one of those people before Elias was born. I wanted nothing to do with them, I mean learning how to be a mother is hard enough.

The decision to switch was kind of forced upon me. As it turns out Elias takes after his mother in more than just his looks. We started out with pampers. They were great for about two months, then the diaper rash began. Huggies pure and natural came next, all was great for about two months. Elias had the worst diaper rash with these. So I researched chlorine free diaper options, Earths Best it was. These were great but paying $11 for 35 diapers gets expensive real quick.

As it happens one of the mothers in my baby group was using cloth, so I started asking questions. Then I was really curious and another cloth mama in the group let me borrow one of her Bum Genius diapers. Who knew cloth diapers had changed so much from prefolds and pins. These puppies were as easy to use as disposables. So I started to do my research. The initial cost was great but the overall savings cannot be denied. After talking to my husband and using the one BG for a few weeks I decided I was jumping in. It was the best decision I have ever made and they are so cute on little man.

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