Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sleep.... The most overrated past time

Elias has been sleeping through the night since six months I would say, but these last few night he has been waking up screaming and crying at all hours of the morning. For the most part he just wants to cuddle and nurse so I'm not sure what the deal is. In the past night wakings have been due to developmental mile stones and illness. I will tell you I have noticed giant lumps in his gums ( molars ), an increase in snot production (clear), and this morning I noticed some tugging at his ears.

                                       ( Elias at about 6 mons, with a pretty bad eczema flare)

Is it teeth, an ear infection, growth spurt, or a new skill to be learned? I wish  I had the answer, but whatever it is I hope he gets through it asap. Mommy needs to sleep.